Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Food Sensitivity and Allergies

All my life I have been sensitive to pork. I remember eating ribs once when I was in my early teens and breaking out in hives. So I never had pork ribs again. Then I avoided pork chops and all the other pork products EXCEPT bacon and prosciutto. Then one night after having some prosciutto I thought my insides where twisting up or maybe tying up in knots. I told myself it was just a fluke. I had some bacon with breakfast and found myself really ill. Now I am officially allergic to pork. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal, but it is. I miss bacon. I miss proscuitto. I took some bacon off a burger because I forgot to ask for it without...yeah, it still made me sick. I failed to realize how often I used to eat something with bacon or ham.

While my pork sensitivity was something I always had, lactose sensitivity was new to me. During my last pregnancy (some about 4 years ago) meals where a chore. LOTS of foods grossed me out or made me feel sick. Chicken was the worse. I couldn't touch it when I was cooking. Most times, if I cooked it, I couldn't eat it. I became very texture conscious. The look and feel of food would set me off. I would become nauseous.

After my son, things calmed down. They did not totally go away. Chicken still can gross me out very easily. Now that my son is 3, the lactose sensitivity I had while pregnant has come back worse than before. Just a small bite of cheese or milk will set off my digestion. Even food that have lactose that I was not aware of set me off.

I read that with lactose it is really about the degree of sensitivity. Some people can have a small amount and be fine. Other individuals can have digestive issues with as little as a teaspoon of milk. My luck and the smallest amount sets me off.

I have tried the lactose digestive assistance pills, but I still feel sick. I never realized how bad I felt most of the time. I think the lactose thing has been going on for a while but finally the symptoms got severe. Then of course I was able to tie how I felt with the pizza we ate.

I now can say I am lactose intolerant and pork sensitive.

Say what? I can't eat what? I HATE eating now. I find that I stick with things I know are safe, regardless of how good they are for me. I eat so much junk now. I look in the fridge and HATE to think of what I will eat. Dairy was a large part of my diet. It was also a large part of what I considered healthy: yogurt, organic string cheese. These where my snacks.

I find myself dreading meal time. I don't want to think about what I can't have. I don't what to have to figure out what I can have. I know that the veggies category is wide open, but for someone who has never eaten a ton of veggies, it's no real relief.

I am going to start collecting and trying more home cooking, but I miss cheese...I miss pork too.

I HATE food allergies!!!!!!

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